Friday, December 20, 2013




I Still Believe in
Miracles and Magic,
God and Santa Claus
~by~ T. Raceine Hobbs-York
You hear a lot of
     “Bah humbug’s”
     at this time of year.
A lot of “Here we go
     again,” and little
     Christmas cheer.
You hear a lot of
     groaning and some
     complaining too.
You hear a lot of
     negative, the
     positive is few.
But I get so excited
     when it’s time to
     deck the halls.
I fear, I must confess,
     I have myself
     a ball.
I look forward to
     the chaos of this
     busy time of year.
It brings out the child
     in me, and lots of
     Christmas cheer.
I love to sing Christmas
     carols about the
     newborn King.
And my heart swells
     with joy when I hear
     the choirs sing.
I love to hear the
     story about my
     Savior’s birth.
I am humbled by the
     miracle of God
     come down to earth.
Every time I see Mary,
     Joseph and Jesus
     in the nativity
My heart is filled with
     wonder and I fall
     down to my knees.
When I hear of the wise men,
     shepherds and a
     manger-stable bed.
I know a cross and crown
     of thorns is where
     God’s Son was led.
Although this happened
     long ago in a far-off
     distant land
It doesn’t change that Jesus
     is Son of God
     and Son of man.
This is what brings
such joy to this
Holy time of year
when we celebrate Christ’s
     birth and we spread
     love, hope, and cheer.
This is a time of miracles
     and magic and the
     chance to share God’s love.
A chance to give to those
     nearby who don’t have
     as much as us.
This is the time to visit
     Santa Claus and to
     sit upon his knee,
to watch the children’s
     faces as they light up
     with joyous glee.
This is the time to get
     together with our
     family and friends,
the time to forgive each
     other and let our feuds
     and fights all end.
Yes, at this special time
     of year as we celebrate
     Christ’s birth, I pause,
For you see, I still believe
     in miracles and magic,
     God and Santa Claus.


Until next time, my Friends, follow your dreams

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